John Coleman For NC Senate

It's a hard decision for an everyday citizen to run for office..

Built With

Branding and Web Design


Burlington, North Carolina

Client Type

John Coleman for NC Senate
01. The Challenge

John Coleman, stepping into the political arena from rural North Carolina's Senate District 25, faced the formidable barrier of high consulting costs and the opaque value of a robust political brand. Balancing multiple jobs, he represented the everyday hero, often sidelined by the financial and strategic enormities of running for office.

02. The Solution

Recognizing the hurdles in John's path, Monarch Digital LLC stepped in not just as a service provider but as a partner. Our mission—rooted in transparency, integrity, and accountability—was to demystify the branding and web development process, making it accessible and impactful. We tailored our services to mirror John's voice, one that championed the everyday hero, creating a custom-designed website and brand identity far removed from the nondescript templates that many fall back on.

03. The Result

This partnership transformed John's digital campaign presence, crafting a narrative and platform that resonated deeply with his constituency. The launch of  marked a pivotal moment, underscoring our belief that political ambition should be a universally accessible right, not a privilege. John's testimonial reflects our commitment to elevating our partners:

"Monarch Digital walked me through every part of the process, delivering beyond my expectations. They treat you not just as a client but as a valuable partner."

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